Exhibition December 2022 MILLAU
Credit Photo: Christian Espie

Born in 1981 in Romania, Costina Macarie was rocked by the popular Romanian stories she listened to as a child and by the music she heard in the shells of the Black Sea.

She was inspired by the wild landscapes of the Eastern Carpathians.

She graduated in 2000 from the School of Graphic Art and the School of Teachers Mihai Eminescu, where she studied Plastic Art for 5 years, in Toplita, Romania.

In 2003 she moved to Brittany.

In 2006 she joined the association of local sheep breeders “Denved ar Vro” and the network of professional Breton weavers to enhance the wool of the sheep from her family farm.

In 2011, in Cotes d'Armor, the artist potter Cécile Dein transmitted to her the technique of weaving and her loom.

Since 2012 she lives in the south of France.

Visual artist, she works in her studio in Octon, in the Hérault, and develops her drawing technique there on the loom.

Her desire to explore the effects of materials leads her to a mixed technique in which old paper, volcanic red earth from Languedoc Roussillon, glue, acrylic and imprints of her weavings from the loom merge.

Through this interplay of materials that meet, she recounts the inner tumults of her being in search of peaceful presence. This is the vibration she wishes to carry and bring to the world.

The creative act alone can stop time and knows how to connect us to heaven and earth. It is in this present moment that the artist expresses his past, exposes his existence, offers emotions and his vision of the world to contemplate.



« Puisque nous sommes limités dans le temps et dans l’espace par notre condition humaine, nous devons tisser notre vie dans ce cadre qui nous est donné. Mais nous avons la liberté d’y apporter les couleurs, les formes et les contours de notre choix. » Pense t’elle.

For Costina Macarie, the work is the continuity of being.

Elle a grandi au rythme de la nature et des saisons, d’une vie paisible et d’observation des plantes et des silhouettes des montagnes, des murmures des rivières, des travaux des champs, d’une mère passionnée de la vie et d’un père restaurateur d’oeuvres de musée dans la plus grande minutie et patience. Comme son peuple, elle porte la trace d’une révolution, d’un esprit généreux et celle de l’accueil inconditionnel. 

Elle choisie alors de sculpter sa vie, habitée des coutumes populaires et d’une tradition qui représentent la nature dans sa plus subtile essence. C’est aussi pour cela qu’elle interprète aujourd’hui des oeuvres du maître Constantin Brancusi, si puissantes par leur minimalisme. 

Pour réaliser ses oeuvre tissées, Costina Macarie installe la chaîne du métier à tisser dans la plus grande précision mathématique. Sur cette base régulière et rassurante elle choisie de s’y exprimer, de s’amuser, d’alterner des points traditionnels et des traits dessinés dans la plus grande liberté. 

L’art est cette recherche perpétuelle d’harmonie entre visible et invisible, entre noir et blanc, entre vides et pleins, entre liquides et solides, entre rires et pleurs. 



December 9 to 17 – Moulin du Pont Vieux in MILLAU

April 1, 2, 3 – European Days of Crafts

at the Manufacture de la Savonnerie de LODEVE

2021 March and April – “The Woven Kiss 01”

Based on the sculpture "The Kiss" by Constantin Brancusi

Mosnart – visiting project – Pullman  à  CHICAGO 

2019 Salon des Artisans Créateurs at LODEVE

2018 Weaving Days at the Distillery in LODEVE

weaving exhibition and demonstration

2017 Introductory course in the textile techniques of weaving, crocheting, knitting, spinning wool at OCTON


2 school years – Ateliers de la Main – textiles – wood – clay – architecture – created by Bernard KOHN – College in SAINT ANDRE DE SANGONIS

2015 European Days of Crafts

at the Manufacture de la Savonnerie de LODEVE

Introduction to weaving in primary school – Callandreta Terra Maire


2014 Work exhibited at the Château de Cassan in ROUJAN

invited to the Blu Canari exhibition

Exhibition and demonstration of weaving – Bio et Sens at JUVIGNAC

2013 Organization of a Knitting Café for World Wool Day